Shining a Light...
Our foundation is dedicated to funding crucial Rhabdomyosarcoma research, supporting families in their pursuit of the best care, spreading childhood cancer awareness through education, and shining Bennett's light for all to see.

Our Efforts

Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer, primarily found in children, lacks the research it needs. We're here to change that. At the Winking Warrior Foundation, we're raising funds, partnering with leading nonprofits, and pushing for more research. Together, we'll bring more attention to Rhabdomyosarcoma and find a kinder, better cure.

We understand how tough it is for families dealing with Rhabdomyosarcoma to find the best care. That's why we offer grants* to help families, no matter where they are, get the best treatment possible. Our aim is to make life a little easier for families and make sure every child has a better chance at beating Rhabdomyosarcoma.
*(Grants will be available starting in 2025)

Every year, approximately 250 children are diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in the United States alone. We are on a mission to change these numbers. We believe that by working together and raising awareness about childhood cancer, we can make a real difference. Join us in our fight!

1505 Legacy Woods Ct.
Groveland, FL 34736